Due Diligence & Hypothesis Generation

Use the world’s biomedical research to inform your treatment and target choices, and test your hypotheses.

ASCEND helps you understand:

What is the best therapeutic strategy?

What is the hypothesis that should lead your research program?

How do you prioritize the best target?

Is there enough evidence to support your hypothesis to move forward?

Inform Therapeutic Strategies

Access the underlying biology behind disease mechanisms. Explore biological connections between entities including proteins, pathways, diseases, and more, in just minutes. Create a customizable view of evidence built from millions of publications and internal data.

Prioritize Targets

Triage thousands of potential genes to select and pursue the most viable targets with a comprehensive view of existing data and biological context.

Develop Impactful Hypotheses

Assess the quality and strength of scientific evidence to support prioritized targets and mechanisms of action.

How Ascend helps with hypothesis generation

The quality of the data is the number one value-add. I can narrow the field down to 2 or 3 candidates, compared to 10 or 20.

— Industry scientist at top 20 pharma, Researcher


success rate



See how ASCEND can Transform your Experiment Design and Research Strategy.

Explore how the World’s top Pharmaceutical Companies and Research Institutes use ASCEND